Sunday, August 31, 2014

Men's Men and Women's Women by Steve Craig

In Men's Men and Women's Women, Steve Craig explains how commercials and advertisements uses opposite sex to attract target audience. He indicates how there are four categories that identify these type of audience. There are men's men which are men who influence other men, men's women are women who attracts men, women's women are women who influence other women and women's men are men who attracts women. By doing so, advertiser take these methods and create ads that are designed to attract audiences emotions and pleasures.

 Sometimes people just over due things for others to pay attention to what they have to say or sell, just like advertisers. Advertisers are smart to use other genders or our emotions to advertises their product. Who would know better than the creator of those advertisement, the things we need to satisfy our happiness. What other ways to grab audience attention than to make it look sexy, playful,and basically anything that makes a person feel happy and relax. I find that commercials and advertisements are ridiculously tempting and manipulating at the same time. Yes it is our choice, but is it really that necessary to over due an advertisement just so someone wont change the channel. For example, a burger commercial does not need to become so seductive that it sounds like a sex ad instead of a burger commercial. Sometimes it's just hard to not question what these advertisers are even advertising anymore.